Sinjalizoni këtë reklamë!Vlerësojeni këtë!Shto te të preferuarat
Publikuar 3 Prill 2021ID: aZSY49
I skaduar 3 vjet, 7 muaj më parë
Information from the owner
Trupi: Makinë me bagazh me derë - 5 dyer, 5 vende
Mosha: 16 vjet
Kilometrazhi: 215000 km
Ngjyra e jashtme: Blu
Klasa e emetimit: Euro 4
I brendshëm: Ajër i Kondicionuar, Dritare me Kontroll Elektrik
Komente të shitësit rreth 2005' Toyota Yaris
Hi! I brought this car from Spain, no problems at all it runs super fine. I changed oil but needs to change the rear wheels. Unbreakable car with 215000km , half life, just one owner (an old woman). The engines are in perfect conditions, some scratches and dents outside, nothing serious. You need to ask how much cost to change to albanian numbers, and if its worthy.